9U BPV tourney team tryouts Sept. 7
by BPV, 2021-08-26T23:42:54.000-07:00August 26 2021, at 11:42 PM PDT in 2020
Tryouts for the Bettendorf-Pleasant Valley Youth Baseball 9-under tournament team for 2022 is Tuesday, Sept. 7 from 5:30 p.m.- 7 p.m.All of the tryout opportunities are at Diamond number 11 at the Crow Creek Park 4-Plex.
The tryouts are in advance of the 2022 USSSA season. This team will be playing BPV games during the week and 1-2 USSSA weekend tournaments per month.
Players with birth dates of May 1, 2012 and younger are eligible to try out and play for the BPV 9-U tournament team. All fam... [more]