BPV season starting: What you need to know
The Bettendorf-Pleasant Valley Youth Baseball season starts Thursday and Friday with tryouts/evaluations for both the Majors (grades 6-7) and Minors (grades 4-5) divisions indoors at the TBK Complex.
Note: There are no tryouts/evaluations for players in the Coach Pitch (grades 1-3), Intro to Kid Pitch (3rd grade or below), Juniors (grades 8-9) or Seniors (9th grade and up) divisions.
The Coach Pitch, Intro to Kid Pitch and Juniors teams are forming now with coaches meetings planned. The Seniors season starts later, with a player and coaches meeting in mid to late April.
The Intro to Kid Pitch coaches meeting is 7 p.m. Thursday at the TBK Complex, following the tryouts/evaluations for Majors & Minors. Kid Pitch division director Ron Johns will decide at the meeting if registrations are ready to close.
BPV registrations currently remain open in every division EXCEPT Majors and Coach Pitch, where space is now restricted and waiting lists are forming by contacting the appropriate division director (see contacts below).
If you are interested in playing in Intro to Kid Pitch, Minors or Juniors, you are asked to sign up immediately.
Please note, the option to sign up for LeClaire-based teams is closed in Majors, Minors, Intro to Kid Pitch and Coach Pitch UNLESS there are enough players and coaches for a full team. Contact Alysia Huffman to discuss at
To register, visit:
If you need assistance in registering, please contact Steve Tappa ( or 563-676-8111) or any of the division directors listed below. Walk-up sign-ups also are offered during this week’s tryouts/evaluations.
Please note: Volunteer coaches still are needed in the Coach Pitch division, and still welcome in every division, including Seniors. Contact the appropriate division director listed below.
For the Majors and Minors division, the tryouts/evaluations are 5:30-7 p.m. Thursday (April 1) and 5-6:30 p.m. Friday (April 2). Players in those two divisions (grades 4-7) need only attend one night — so choose whichever one fits your family’s schedule the best.
For players unable to attend the tryouts/evaluations for any reason, they will still be placed on a team.
All registrants are placed on a team. The tryouts simply are used to help coaches evaluate players in an effort to level the competitive balance of the teams in those divisions.
The tryouts feature one station each for the skills of hitting, fielding, pitching and running. The tryouts are indoors on synthetic turf, so players should wear athletic attire — t-shirt, tennis shoes, shorts or sweatpants or baseball pants. Please bring a baseball glove and favorite bat if you wish.
Please check in at the main table where your BPV registration will be confirmed. You will then be assigned a tryout number and directed to your first station. Once all stations are completed, players may leave and they will be contacted by their 2021 coach/team after the division draft is conducted early next week following Easter.
More information about BPV is available by visiting ( Details about the calendar and divisions are located on the two previous registration posts.
— Coach Pitch (Grades 1-3): Tyler Driever (
—*Intro to Kid Pitch (3rd Grade/Advanced):* Ron Johns ( or 251-533-1858)
— Minors (Grades 4-5): Matt Wood ( or 563-340-5917)
— Majors (Grades 6-7): Dan Escontrias ( or 563-210-3489)
— Juniors (Grades 8-9): Tyler Driever (
— Seniors (Ages 15-20): Steve Tappa ( or 563-676-8111)
NOTE: Coaches meetings are planned for the next week in every division EXCEPT Seniors. If you are planning to coach, please contact the appropriate division director. Volunteer coaches are needed in all divisions to make BPV happen.
The Intro to Kid Pitch coaches meeting is 7 p.m. Thursday at the TBK Complex, following the Majors/Minors tryouts/evaluations. Division director Ron Johns will decide if registrations are ready to close at that meeting. Please contact Ron for more details.